Thursday, January 24, 2019

How to get the perfect complexion?

There are many products available for your skin care. The ironic thing is taking care of your skin starts with a very simple step.
This simple step needed for perfect skin is free in most places and available in almost every home.
I do admit that it will take more than just this one step but it is still so crucial to healthy skin that without it your complexion will not be at its full potential.
This one item is so imperative to healthy skin that it is almost ridiculous how its literally right under your nose.
To get the most out of your skin you will need to avoid lots of foods that are detrimental to your health. The right amount of sleep will help with the rejuvenation process your skin goes through.
Those last two suggestions for healthier skin will help out with your complexion yet it is not the most important.
In order for you to achieve the best skin you could possibly have you would need to more ( wait for it) water.
Water is the essential ingredient for a healthy life over all but with the body being made up of mostly h2o it is especially needed to have healthy skin.
Most people have said to drink 8 glasses of water a day. This advice is good for many people but it is truly dependent on the weight of the person. Half of your weight in pounds will translate to the exact same number measured in ounces. For an example if you weigh 200 pounds you should drink 100 ounces of water per day.
Try to drink lots of water, watch what you eat, exercise and get a good amount of rest and I could almost guarantee a better looking complexion.

There are several products that could be used to help you with your journey to better skin but water is main ingredient to your successful skin regiment.

If you need more information on the type of products to use on your face please go to
and request a consultation.

If you are interested in the silk reusable 3d volume lashes used in the photo go to

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